Sunday, December 16, 2007

Vernacular Modernism

I was writing a message to someone the other day and said, "December feels like spinning on a roulette wheel." This week I sort of participated in my first kimjang (though I really showed up after my mother-in-law had done most of the work), Aiden took his second-degree black-belt test at kukiwon, KC had his company holiday party, Max's school called to tell me he has the chicken pox (I rushed there to pick him up and take him to the doctor but it was a false alarm, just a bad case of the hives).

So although I already posted this photo essay, I was behind and got it out quickly (which is why it reads a little haltingly) and realized belatedly I should have scouted around for more Seoul pictures. So if anyone has any shots of modern buildings which include traditional elements (images, roofs, etc.) that you don't mind sharing, drop me an e-mail at yunmay (at) gmail(dot)com. Thanks!

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